

46426ab5d7ef81627a11aebaec1e1b3e arenteiro.pvt @arenteiro.pvt - 11 months ago
Wellhealthorganic.com:Facial-Fitness-Anti-Aging-Facial-Exercises-To-Look-Younger-Every-Day: As we age, our skin begins to lose its Free Relax and tone your face muscles to create a slimmer and younger face! Do yoga to look younger! Face yoga is a series of facial exercise...continued
1 minute read
46426ab5d7ef81627a11aebaec1e1b3e arenteiro.pvt @arenteiro.pvt - 11 months ago
flight from Italy have tested Covid-19 positive
At least 125 passengers of a charter flight from Italy have tested Covid-19 positive on their arrival at Punjab’s Amritsar Airport, officials on Thursday said. There were 179 passengers onboard the Italy-Amritsar charter flight.“A charter flight flew from Italy to Amritsa...continued
2 minutes read