Women’s Body Bible: Training, Diet & Supplementation - 2 minutes read

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Men vs. Women – what is the Difference?


Studies have shown that men and ladies don’t got to train differently. If you’re a lady and need to realize muscle and improve your shape and curves, then you’re getting to need to lift heavy weights. this suggests that rather than doing endless reps with light weights, because the media often prescribes women to try to to you would like to lift some heavy weights and really challenge yourself! While performing high rep sets (15-20 reps) does have some benefit, it’s not optimal to adding muscle mass.

Here may be a very vague overview of rep ranges:

1-5 reps = Strength

6-12 = Hypertrophy

12+ = Endurance

There is tons of crossover of adaptations between rep ranges. for instance many of us can grow muscles solely within the 1-5 rep range and 12+ rep range. But it gives you a thought of the load you would like to lift to grow; a weight that you simply can complete for a minimum of 6 reps but less than 12 reps.

The hormone testosterone is liable for the massive increases in muscle mass seen when men lift weights. Women’s testosterone levels are a fraction of men’s testosterone levels. Normal testosterone levels in men are 200-1200 ng/dl while 15-70 ng/dl are normal in women. As you’ll see, men’s testosterone levels are significantly above women’s. albeit a person is at the low end of the men’s normal testosterone range (200 ng/dl), he still has quite twice the quantity of testosterone as a lady at the high end of the women’s normal testosterone range (70 ng/dl). If we glance at the median or mid-range testosterone levels in men and ladies , men = 700 and ladies = 42.5. So on the average, men have 16.47 times more testosterone than women! it’s clear that ladies don’t have the hormonal support (testosterone) to realize muscle mass like men. Therefore, the fear of becoming big and hulking and searching like Arnold Schwarzenegger with a ponytail is unwarranted.

Now you’ll be saying, “I have seen some women bodybuilders who are very muscular and appearance almost like men in their build.” the important reason they appear like that’s they’re presumably using exogenous testosterone injections and/or other anabolic steroids. When women use exogenous testosterone/steroids they’ll show signs of hair growth on the face and chest, increased muscle mass, a redistribution of body fat from a female pattern of storage to a male pattern of storage, deepening of the voice, and other effects. the purpose of claiming this is often that unless you’re on exogenous testosterone or other anabolic steroids, you’ll not become big and hulking from lifting weights. this is often to not say that you simply won’t gain any muscle, you will, but you’ll not gain muscle sort of a man. Instead, you’ll become toned and comely .

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Rakesh Rathod commented on Women’s Body Bible: Training, Diet & Supplementation about 2 years ago

amazing article.