Barry Oswald
3 posts
United States
Joined on 30 Mar 2024
I wanted to introduce myself and invite those of you who have a burning desire or maybe just curiosity to learn what I have discovered about life, your life, my life. What's is Being alive all about, why am I here, why does it matter, where did I come from and where am I going. Believe it or not, the answers are within you and I want to help awaken the Reality of who your are so you can live your life to the fullest NOW and BEYOND.
Skills and Interests
Living as an IMMORTAL
Barry Oswald @barryoswald - 4 months ago
Concerning Climate Change United States
What’s happening to our earth’s climate? Pollution, global warming, shifting of the poles, rise in population. There are global conferences nationally and internationally to deal with this concern. But the one Concerning Climate Change that everyone seems to overlook is t...continued
3 minutes read
Barry Oswald @barryoswald - 5 months ago
Living as an IMMORTAL: A Not-So-New Epidemic
There is a lot happening on our planet today. And many are wondering what is going on and what will happen next. One major problem goes mostly unnoticed, until you notice it and then you realize it is an A Not So New Epidemic, a plague that rivals the Bubonic, Black Plagu...continued
3 minutes read
Barry Oswald @barryoswald - 6 months ago
PROLOGUE – The Very Best Place To Start
There seems to be a universal desire to believe there is a God. So, let’s begin with the premise that there was and is a God Being. Without trying to cause offense, we will refer to God with a masculine pronoun because that is how people generally view (Him).For More Info...continued
3 minutes read